Sadly, shepherd leaders seem hard to find. It seems to me that many leaders enjoy the thinking and people-listening-to-their-ideas part of their job but not so much the sincerely-being-with-the-people part of their job. I keep going to church hoping that the leaders actually sacrificially love people, but then just settle for, they have good theology and communicate well and there are plenty of kind people in the community so oh well if the people on stage aren’t actually deeply known by or vulnerable with anyone in the community. Oh well if they aren’t actually getting into the weeds and mud with hurting people, or when they do, they keep themselves safe from getting scratched with their lofty ideas holding them somehow still separate from others or separate from any wrongdoing on their own part.

Despite my jadedness, I still hold to a hope that there are good leaders in the church.

Besides, I know you.

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Some of my shepherd skills I learned by watching ego-centered leaders and deciding not to copy them. But the best training I got from you--precept and example.

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A solid ton of truth, Jerry. I wonder sometimes that God allowed even Nebuchadnezzar's influence and ego to remain unchecked for a season. Then God clarified some things!

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When on facility staff in a church going through turmoil, including the dismissal of a fairly disconnected senior pastor, the interim who was sent to help the church heal and prepare for a new senior was humble and listened well. He gave time to people and shared much of himself in a pastoral manner. I believe his shepherding skills were much enhanced by the humility he learned from his addiction to alcohol. I don’t recommend that as a part of leadership training!, but however it is learned humility is required.

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So sadly, many prominent leaders in the "church" today are more similar to corrupt public officials than not. It's no wonder, when we see entertainment as the focus of "worship" services, and ears being tickled from many pulpits, that so many people have become skeptical, and have left the organized church. I know that there are good pastors, elders and teachers out there, and find it such a sadness that so many people have only encountered the wolves in sheep's clothing. Thank you for being a humble and godly shepherd pastor.

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