Thanks for sharing this Jerry! I love the way you made this teaching applicable to our current lives. I often think about God dwelling among his people the Israelites and wish that could be true in our present age. I know that God will once more dwell among us and that we can always approach the "tent of meeting" in prayer.

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I am going to have to reread that section in the second tent I don’t remember it. I like your Step 1 and Step 2 at the end of the article. I know my Priest, Father Basil would really like Step 1. Funny we had Vespers last night then our class and sometimes after class me and some others go out for a burger and brew and just talk. Last night it was only me and one other so we were standing out in the parking lot for a min not going to go eat just talking when Father came out. We all talked a little and then me like the bozo I am just said what we had all thought tho “ Father you need to come out with us some night” well he did not say no and we talked more about different places we had been etc and said bring Matushka or check when would be good for just you. They are both in their late 60s. The thing that is bothering me is maybe us and me because that is the way I am maybe a personal relationship is not appropriate. It is just weird to me tho that people don’t let you get to know them but sort of stay behind their mask title position etc. as a nurse all my life I was very aware of that and was constantly reaching out to my patients and trying to make a connection where they would see I am just like them we could be each other we are sisters one in Christ I have believed that all my life even before Orthodoxy. So anyways going to clean church this morning I will not say anything because there is nothing for me to apologize for but if anything is said to me I will ask forgiveness for being maybe too straightforward and say I did not mean to barge like a bull in a China shop. That’s all glad I got this off my chest I am used to talking to God in my head like I would talk to myself so maybe need to have more reverence and accept with patience whatever friendship is offered. My Priest actually is very friendly and usually emails me back when I have a question. I guess that’s it he is very approachable and try’s to be one of us and care for us but there is a distance maybe he has to maintain. Just weird for me as I have never let that be with anybody my Doctor, my Mom , my Boss etc we are no different all human beings

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