I’m thinking about my “walking prayer time” and the kinds of distractions that have led to fresh insight (prairie dogs, geese, eagles, red-winged black birds). I’m also imagining God watching to see if I’m getting it when I suddenly realize that my mind has strayed far from what I was trying to think through.

Thanks for the insight.

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Aug 5Liked by Jerry Foote

Thanks Jerry for this riveting piece - I was occasionally distracted as I read (LOL), but it was as you suggested, all for the good. My distractions led me to thoughts about how I wish I had read this when I was a young parent, or even an "old one". Then they meandered to my career as a teacher, and thinking about the often difficult task of discovering students existing schema's and seeking to build upon and broaden them. My distractions led me to think of the focus option on a higher end camera - zooming out and in, while trying to find that best balance and harmony of setting, shadows and light, color, etc. (Obviously using my iPhone camera, in a barely functional way, doesn't lend to that example.) Distracting and contracting, and how with each action, discovering more of what will make the best picture/understanding. Teaching, meditating on scripture and life, and personally practicing thinking in increasing levels of complexity and cohesiveness - a life long, marvelous pursuit. God has created us in wondrous ways! Once again, thanks for your contribution to my own thinking. Now if I can just remember the lessons.

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